Oh my! It's been a month since I've posted! Time flies when you're working 12-13 hr days! Greg has picked up side jobs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.He is still working in the sound rm on Sundays at church. Josh is working at Subway and seems to be staying out of trouble. Kristen is starting college at the end of August! My baby is going to be in college! Where does the time go?! Mom and dad travel quite a bit, often with Gail and Earl on mini vacations, to Sean's and up to her brother Walt's. Dad still works part time at his old church, Calvary.
Johannes Amritzer was at our church last weekend and what a breath of fresh air he is! If you haven't listened to him yet, click on his name toward the bottom of my blog to hear him!
Greg and I hope to go up to the cabin this weekend. It is our time to get away, spend time with each other and get some alone time too. I love sitting by the creek, listening to nature or lying out at night and looking up at the zillions of stars that I can't see elsewhere because of lights. It is pitch black at night at the cabin. You can't even see your hand in front of your face!
Josh hurt his back somehow and has been in a lot of pain. He's going to the hospital tommorrow to find out what is causing the pain. Please pray for him.