Thursday, September 28, 2017

Inside Out

As I was working in my Bible Study in Colossians this morning, something the writer wrote struck me. I am in the beginning of the second chapter and reading about being established in my faith, firmly rooted and overflowing with gratitude. She wrote "What we believe is always evident in our lives, and evidence is the proof of our inner belief. Who we are on the inside will spill over onto our outside for all to see". It made me think, what am I spilling out? Am I angry and irritable? Am I spilling love and encouragement? How do I fill the inside with good things that will spill out? By being established in Him, grounded, walking daily with Him so I can grow the fruit of the Spirit in my life. These are the things I want spilling out: love, patience, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. That's what makes me different than the world. God spilling out of me, being so big, I can't contain Him. This is my desire...

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hiatus and Character

So I've taken a very long hiatus from this blog. It's not like anyone reads it but it is a nice journal for me to look back on and remind myself how God has faithfully come through, directed and guided us and lovingly and abundantly provided for us. Since my last post, so much life has happened. My mom passed away in July. So sad but I know her mind and body is whole now as she is with our Lord and Savior. Dad is doing well. He is getting used to his new normal and has dinner with Greg and I every night. Josh and his now fiancee, Kristen have set a date of 10/5/2018 to get married. My daughter Kristen is dating a fellow for over two years now. I am currently in a women's study on the book of Colossians. I love going through a book of the Bible verse by verse and just tearing it up!One of the quotes in the side notes is "Character is always a choice". Taking life step by step, our lives are made up of moments, of one decision after another. Each small, or big, decision makes a difference. When we make a decision to do the right thing, for the right reason, decision after decision, we are developing character. I have often said my husband is a man of character, honest and giving. He has proven himself that way to me through example, time and again, by the decisions he has made, often subconsciously. One good deed does not prove character. It is in our way of living day by day. I can change me and choose to live differently by making one good decision at a time. I cannot change what life brings me, I can only choose how I will act/react to the situation. Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what's good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.