Thursday, September 28, 2017

Inside Out

As I was working in my Bible Study in Colossians this morning, something the writer wrote struck me. I am in the beginning of the second chapter and reading about being established in my faith, firmly rooted and overflowing with gratitude. She wrote "What we believe is always evident in our lives, and evidence is the proof of our inner belief. Who we are on the inside will spill over onto our outside for all to see". It made me think, what am I spilling out? Am I angry and irritable? Am I spilling love and encouragement? How do I fill the inside with good things that will spill out? By being established in Him, grounded, walking daily with Him so I can grow the fruit of the Spirit in my life. These are the things I want spilling out: love, patience, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. That's what makes me different than the world. God spilling out of me, being so big, I can't contain Him. This is my desire...

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