Wednesday, December 4, 2013


2 Peter 3:18a "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" I was reading in my devotional about that verse, growing in grace. What is grace? God has given us grace abundantly so how do I grow in grace? I was challenged to do an acrostic of grace. G= generously given R=received unworthily A=accepted gratefully C=covered abundantly E=eternally saved. Maybe thinking about, meditating on and being thankful for the grace He has given me and trying to share His grace with others is all part of growing. Our pastor has been talking about starting big things that will go on after we leave this earth, something akin to a legacy. Could I leave a legacy that shows His grace? I have spoken many times in this blog about this year. God is doing miraculous things in my life this year. Many things have been and continue to be hard. I want to be a rock, a tree, planted with roots deep and standing firm. I want to show love and mercy. His grace has covered me so I need to show that same attitude in my day to day interactions with others. I have done nothing to deserve His grace and yet He heaps it on me. How can I not give it away freely to those around me by forgiving, showing kindness, and downright just loving on people?! John 1:16 says from His fulness we receive grace upon grace. It reminds me of standing with my feet in the ocean as the waves just keep rolling in, grace upon grace. But I can only grow in grace and show grace to others if I stay fully abiding in Him. His grace will overflow to those around me if I am intentional about being rooted in Him and allowing Him to use me.

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